My Journey - CPUT

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Make a Difference

Today I feel blessed knowing that I can make a difference in someones life. We all have our own path that we chose for our self, but not one is the same. Sometimes we need each other to just inspire and motivate each other.
I have a dear friend, that I just met recently, and he made my day in so many ways. Just by a small message on my phone, using kind words, he brightened my day even thou he, himself, was in a very bad place at that exact moment. My friend you made a big difference in my life today. Thank you!!!!!!

How can we make a difference????????? 25 Ways to make a difference in the world every day


  1. Yes,there is no time limit to reach your dream/success.Just remain focus, aim always high, ambitious, before pleasing anyone, please yourself, then after please others through your creator. Aspire to do something boosting someone who will never pay back to you for your ultimate pleasure.This is non perishable investment in my views. Move forward, the journey still on...

  2. Thank you Ernest. One thing you said, "boosting someone who will never pay back", is yet again a topic for another day. People always expect something in return. Being a tutor, mentor, motivator, the only thing you want in return is your sense of personal fulfillment, making a difference in someone else life! Thank you for your kind words!
