My Journey - CPUT

Monday 11 April 2016

Week 1: As a Student Teacher

Driving to the town where I’m going to do my teaching practice, I became very emotional. Thinking of the journey ahead for the next 4 weeks. I, myself, was a scholar at this school 20 years ago and I also stayed in the boarding school. So I will be reliving my happy childhood.

Walking into the boarding school it was like WOW. Where did the table in the foyer go? WOW look at the stunning modern decor. Then again the rest is all the same. Knocking on the door of the Matron was a little bit scary. I remember her as this tall woman, one you should listen to or bear the consequences. Out walk this much smaller lady, is this now because I am bigger, well I don’t know. We hugged and it felt good. I just hugged a part of my life that I miss. Yes, ok, I cried as well. It was good to be back.

Greeting the Head of the boarding school the Matron introduced me as “Buxie”, my boarding school name 20 years ago. So sweet of her. I notice that they don’t have a “snoepie” (tuckshop) in the office anymore and there is no more “tikkiebox” (public phone). The Matron mentioned that in the March holidays they got electricity in all the rooms. No more rushing to the wash/ironing room at the end of the passage to be the first to dry your hair. That time we had no mobile phones and our little “draadloos” (cordless radio) worked on batteries. One of the 8-bed rooms are now a lounge. Times are changing, I say!

Silly me!  How could I forget the bathroom. Well done! Headmaster, you nailed it. I would have love using that bathroom. Wait a minute I can I'm a student Teacher.

I had a lot of WOW moments, the next WOW moment is the privilege of sleeping in the teacher’s quarters. As a scholar this was a total no go zone. Till today I never knew how it looked like inside.

The next morning, waking up before the clock, was a first. Me the notorious “Buxie“ up before the clock, NEVER!! Walking down to the dining hall I got goosebumps, knowing I can skip the queue. Awesome!. I always dreamed of sitting at the teachers table looking down on the scholers in the dining hall, and today I’m actually sitting there, Déjà vu!. The décor in the dining hall was restaurant quality. Really amazing, see the photos.

Walking to school, like I did for 12 years, was like walking with my inner child. I was happy and proud walking this road.  On my way to school I met one of my old colleagues in the Police. (Use to work alongside him in roadblocks). 

My first hall period in 20 years and I stood there, proud, singing my school anthem, my heart burst of love or this school. I was introduced to all the learners as an old scholar and a product of this amazing school.  After the hall period I noticed that my name is still on the Wall of Fame. I was honoured for my South African Colours in Kickboxing by my school in 2003.

Now for my first test, the Personnel room. What should I do, were do I sit, will they be hard on me, will they ignore me or will I be part of them. Greeting my mentor teacher bring back memories of me being in his class, he was a very placid educator. Even the principal was very happy to see me.  I was given the chair next to the door, but immediate I was part of the team. Six of my previous teachers are still there.  

Stepping into the CAT (computer application technology) class was another WOW moment. Really! My old high school have technology and a lot of it. Not just one classroom but 2 complete CAT classrooms. When I was in school there was like 5 computers.

Another highlight moment this past week was standing in the passage, enjoying an off period, I just listen to all the teachers teaching and scanning the playground. The next moment my previous grade 4 teacher, I had many moons ago, got me to attention. I felt like I was back in his class. With a sigh of relieve I then remember I’m not there in his class anymore.

So much had change for the better in my old school. The girls’ bathroom looks stunning, everywhere are slogans and motivational messages pasted on the walls. There is a chest game painted on the tarmac in the middle of the playground. Scholars still have respect for their teachers and each other. 

This is my 20-year reunion and I’m a very proud old scholar of this school.