My Journey - CPUT

Monday 18 April 2016

Week 2: Teaching Practice

I'm going to die! I'm not made for this. I cannot do this. How could I be so stupid! This was my mind set after my first lesson with the grade 10 Business class. Bubbling too much, bored learners and lots of nerves, that was my first lesson. I did not keep track of time and it bit me in the butt!

I was so angry with myself and very disappointed. As the day crawled by, I thought to myself, "Hey dude, this is why the educator gave you this opportunity!!!!". Now I can learn from my mistakes. I now have something to work from. I had to change my mind set and my method. The educator then dropped a welcoming bomb on me! I got the grade 10's (Business) for the rest of my pleasant stay. Yes, a full 3 weeks of which only 8 lessons will be evaluated. I can now practice and build my own style. I must say the grade 10's can be a handful, but observing the grade 11 and 12's, I'm glad. The grade 12's are something else.

While sitting and observing, I thought to myself how the school has changed. (For the better). This classroom, in previously years, was our art class, so it’s nice and big, with 34+ computers. There is also a second class computer classroom so its 70+ computers in total. Also to mention, all the educators have computers in their classrooms and most have data projectors. In my time, (even though I was not in that class) there were 5 or 7 computers available to the learners. I matriculated with typing skills only. Today, I'm so privileged to have had typing in school. I must say, today most of the learners and even students do not have the basic typing skills.

I'm very proud of my school and how they handled the tragic passing of a young learner. Monday morning was a very emotional start to the school week. Sitting in the morning educators meeting they mentioned the passing of the little grade 1 learner. It touched all of us, even myself, I knew the family from my school years. The aunt of the little girl was my netball and athletics coach. (Enough about me!). At Monday morning assembly (11 April 2016) before the principal started the proceedings they played a little video slideshow in memory of the learner. My inner mom silently cried her butt off, thinking about my own two little girls. My youngest is the same age as this little girl. Heaven just scored an angel!

What was also catching is the fact that the school is supposed to have winter sport activities this coming weekend (16 April 2016), but they put all activities on hold until further notice. They first wanted to know what the funeral arrangements for this little girl is. The school would rather be at the funeral and postpone the sport matches. This is a small rural community and the school is one of the structures that keeps the community together.

This morning (Friday 15 April) it is mentioned in the Educators meeting that the class schedules will change the coming week. Again the reasons for this big change touched my heart. Firstly, some classes in certain subject choice categories are full. So learners do not have an opportunity to change subjects, so if they struggle with a subject they cant change to another.The principal and staff felt like this will put a learner at risk to fail. All learners should have fair opportunity to change subjects if they struggle in another. Secondly some classrooms are not suitable for teaching, to small, so now they have change classroom venues and also subject allocated to certain teachers are changed.

I love this school so much, I nominated myself to be the teacher on duty in the after school detention class. Yes, it was a Friday. I said to myself why not, I'm here and going nowhere. It was interesting thou. 

Well this next part is dedicated to all the old and not so old previous learners! 
Down Memory Lane

Respect is what I have for this lady. She remembered me by name. This year will be her last year at this school. She dedicated 32 years to this school. She arrived here in the same here as I did, 1985. 

Many moons ago the following picture was my Grade 6 (Standard 4) class and so many of my fellow class mates will know exactly what I mean by putting these 3 pictures together. Even the teacher, then, will relate. (He is now the principal) 

The rest of the photos will be dedicated to all those ex-scholars on my page and Facebook. Hope you enjoy.
Was Mr Roussow Class
This Was the old media room
opposite the Personnel Room

All halls have these wonderful
 posters of inspiration

Use to walk these hall a
million times. This is
opposite the boys toilets

Who an forget this site

Use to be the last classroom before
 the boys toilets.
Beautiful. Use to be old trees.

From the back

Use to be play area
Use to play and do Cadette here

Entrance opposite Girls toilets
Use to be girls outside toilets

Boys outside toilets
Jip, He is still going strong
Must be something in the

There is now a Snoepie were the
"Trompoppie" store was. 

Inside Girls bathroom
Girls bathroom

Girls bathroom
Boys bathroom

Use to be the Woodwork class
Lockers against the "woodwork class"

Just awesome
Use to be my Sub A class (Gr 1)

Use to be the "Needlework class"

The garden at the gate the girls hostel use
View from the SAPS

The Great Hall
Next to the Hall. This is now the
primary classes

At the back of the primary classes

I hope these pictures make sense to some of you. Till next week then. 


  1. Wow what a trip down memory lane!

  2. Lyk na 'n oulike skool en dat jy dit vreeslik geniet. Dit gee my meer insig oor die skool vir Tristian.

  3. Lyk na 'n oulike skool en dat jy dit vreeslik geniet. Dit gee my meer insig oor die skool vir Tristian.

  4. Lisa, jy sal nie n fout maak nie.
