My Journey - CPUT

Thursday 17 March 2016

My Grade R Experience

Monday morning (14 March 2016), I had the pleasure of being a Grade R teacher’s assistant, even though it was only for an hour and a half. What an eye-opener. She had to step out for a moment, which became quite a few minutes. What to do with 29 jumping Jacks. First of all, some exercises. (I am a Martial Artist, so why not warming up!) Was so cute, them jumping around with so much energy on a Monday morning! After that we started to exchange weekend stories. Interesting how eager they were to share with me their stories. (O! and they addressed me as “Teacher”)

I’m currently studying to become a qualified FET (Further Education Training) teacher. (Grade 10 – 12 and at any FET Collage) Being in foundation phase for just an hour and a half, I gained total respect for my friend being a Grade R teacher. Her classroom management was very effective, using song to get the learners attention, and it worked. She mentioned that she has a few problematic learners, and how she works with them. She was very comfortable in the class with all the diversity between learners. She never treated any learner better or worst then the next learner.

Last but not least, the way she greeted the learners at the end of the day, was so cute. Kissing her fist while the learner kisses his/her own fist and then bumping each other’s kissing fist. The learners loved it. (appropriate for grade R)

I’m very excited about my next venture. I will be doing my Teaching Practice at my old school for 4 weeks. Please follow my blog and journey with me.