My Journey - CPUT

Friday 27 May 2016

How important is ICT Skills

How to give back when you think you have nothing to offer. Living life as I life it, is not always easy, but how can I thank those who help me through the rough days. They know who they are, now words can express my gratitude. Why am I saying this, well communication is key. Communication across the world is taking place every second of the day. (Please go to my ThinkLink  and check it out.) 
So how can I make a difference and say thank you. I offer the only thing in the world that cannot be replaced or given back. “Time”. I have decided to assist my fellow students/friends, whom I all love, to help them with their ICT skills. They are actually such a big part of my life. (Thank you guys) Offering my time doing something I love will be an awesome journey.

Computer skills is not an easy thing if you did not have the experience, exposure or training. For some it is overwhelming just to open Microsoft Word and now they have to do all sorts of things on the computer. Being at the Teaching and Learning with Technology Day in Bellville the other day my concerns grew bigger. The technology gap between school and university are growing. One of the Key Note Speakers mentioned all the changes that they are planning for the future and how they will transform the university to e-learning and distance learning. Well this all involves you, as the end user, to have the necessary ICT skills. RIGHT? Now Computer Application Technology (CAT) is not a compulsory subject at school. Learners can choose if they want to take the subject or not. They are not informed on how important technology is these days. They don’t know the critical importance of technology. We are in the middle of Globalisation and this, Globalisation, is totally technology orientated. You use some sort of technology every day. Myself, I’m chatting with my brothers every day and they both live in the United Arab Emirates. I use some sort of technology. To sell a product, read a book/newspaper, study, shop, all can be done online. Again using technology.

Here are some interesting facts to show you. I got the information from The World Fact Book

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