My Journey - CPUT

Thursday 17 March 2016

My Grade R Experience

Monday morning (14 March 2016), I had the pleasure of being a Grade R teacher’s assistant, even though it was only for an hour and a half. What an eye-opener. She had to step out for a moment, which became quite a few minutes. What to do with 29 jumping Jacks. First of all, some exercises. (I am a Martial Artist, so why not warming up!) Was so cute, them jumping around with so much energy on a Monday morning! After that we started to exchange weekend stories. Interesting how eager they were to share with me their stories. (O! and they addressed me as “Teacher”)

Saturday 5 March 2016

My 1st HTML Website design

I’m so impress with myself, I can jump out of my skin.

Yes today, for the first time ever, I created my own html little website. I used the grade 11, “Computers, part of your life” handbook. Published by Study Opportunity. My Lecturers at CPUT is one of the Authors on this book. How privilege to be a student in her class!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Make a Difference

Today I feel blessed knowing that I can make a difference in someones life. We all have our own path that we chose for our self, but not one is the same. Sometimes we need each other to just inspire and motivate each other.