My Journey - CPUT

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Thank You Guys

Today I started my day with a high! I just purchased a piece of land/lot at my Teaching Practice school, meaning I fell my butt off. How clever can you be, if you forgot the last step down the stairs. I'm my laptop and I are fine but my ego is shattered. This all happen when I was addressing learners for not being in class. 

This happened in slow motion, the journey to my knees took forever, but it was like Flash and the learners were there to support me. Thank you gentlemen, I don’t know if I must appreciate the help or feel embarrass that they witnessed my stupidity. Whahahahaha. All is well and i needed a good laugh. 

Starting with real lessons today and looking forward to it. Will keep you updated 

Monday 18 July 2016

What did you do for Mandela day?

I have copied this information for 

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” – Nelson Mandela 

Nelson Mandela International Day was launched in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July, 2009 via unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly. 

It was inspired by a call Nelson Mandela made a year earlier, for the next generation to take on the burden of leadership in addressing the world’s social injustices when he said that “it is in your hands now”. 

It is more than a celebration of Madiba’s life and legacy. It is a global movement to honour his life’s work and act to change the world for the better.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Teaching Practice Part 2

This is "The night before" the big day. Tomorrow I will be embarking on my second teaching practice exploration. I am so excited yet so freaking scared. New school, new challenges and new memories. I love what I do because I do what I love. 

I feel like I know nothing lol. Why? you might ask, well having all my knowledge in English (in my head) and having to teach in Afrikaans. This to me is a challenge. I have to Google to understand my own home language. So hilarious, don’t you think.

I have to mention also that I’m staying with the nicest aunty ever. I’ve been here 2 minutes and I feel welcome. I’m very grateful!

So for the next 4 weeks I will try and keep you up to date with my teaching experience. 

Friday 8 July 2016

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2015

I have came across this information and I must say it was very informational. If you want to be a good teacher make use of tools that can assist you. (This was copied and paste - not my own, but its very helpful)

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2015 (Click here to view PowerPoint Presentation)

TOP 100 TOOLS FOR LEARNING 2015 Compiled by Jane Hart of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies from the votes of over 2,000 learning professionals worldwide 9th Annual Learning Tools Survey 

About the List The Top 100 Tools for Learning 205 list - the result of the 9th Annual Learning Tool Survey - has been compiled by Jane Hart from the votes of over 2,000 learning professionals worldwide, working in both education and workplace learning. Brief details of each tool in the list appear on the following slides, and include a quote from a voter as well as the change from their position on the 2014 list. Follow the links for more information about the tools. New tools, tools that are back on the list and tools that have moved up the list significantly are starred with the icon (right) in the top-right hand corner of the slide. “A learning tool is any software, online tool or service that you use either for personal or professional learning, for teaching or training, or for creating e-learning.